Review History for lokigauge

Palm Court Apartments

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Resident 2007 - 2008


My thoughts on Palm Court Apts.

I've lived at Palm Court for close to a year now and have thought of both Pros and Cons for living here: Pros: Affordable - Their rent prices are a good value, most comparable apts are more expenisive. Clean - I've had no issues with the cleanliness of the my apartment. I have gotten ants once, but management acted swiftly and I haven't seen any since. Proximity - The apts are very close to highway access (101 E/W and I17 N/S) and Deer Valley 30 Center. (Movies, Target, Restaurants, etc) Management - Usually are fast to act concerning rental updates, policy changes, etc. Management up front is always able to answer my questions. They are objective with pricing aswell. I am a bit concerned about moving out, it seems other reviewers have lost their deposits for arbitrary reasons (such as a 'per second' labor charge to throw trash away or to clean a freezer) and that my move in/out check list has a massive listing of what I could be charged if I break/damage/discolor something. I will have to wait and see. Neighborhood - Is relativley quiet and safe. If is close to an industrial park and bank. It is worth noting however, that it is only 2-2.5 miles away from a strip club. Cons: Large number of immigrants from East India. Call me whatever you like, but it seems that the majority of the poeple residing at Palm Court hail from this region and seem to have a difference of opinion concerning hours that are appropriate to talk loudly. My downstairs neighbors belong to this ethnic group and are constantly on the phone or are having visitors until 11:00pm-2:00am, even on weeknights. They have woken my 4 year old daughter repeatedly on the weekends and don't seem to pay heed to my requests for them to quiet down. I've for the most part adjusted and have realized the apts themselves are part to blame. The courtesy assitant was very prompt and did his best to help with the situation too. The aparments, floor to floor, have no sound insulation. Please reference above concerning how loud my downstairs neighbors are. In all fairness, they must be able to hear me walking around since I can hear their phone ring, their blender blend, most of their conversations, their alarm clock (7 am ), and if they are blowing their nose in the shower. I can't say there is much wall to wall sound insualtion either, but my neighbors to my right and left are fairly quiet. Approx 2 months into my tenure at Palm Court, Ten (10) cars were broken into in a single night. Granted they were mostly located in an expanded parking (a dirt lot created for the convienience of the tenants); it's poorly lighted and doesn't seem to be very secure. My car has NEVER been broken into, but I have dark tint, an alarm system, and a club. While I haven't suffered a rent increase, this is the first apt. complex to increase my utility cost, specifically water. It was a small increase, but it seems strange to do. It was around 8-10 dollars I think. The front gates that controll access to the parking lot have broken 2 times since I've been there. I live right next to the pool and there are a number of kids that use it right up to the closing time and are very loud while using it. This is a problem in the summer when I have to put my daughter to bed at 8:30 and the pool is open until 10. I also live right above a green belt (grassy area) and the same kids that like to swim at night also like to play frisbee or catch right under my bedroom window. They have stopped since I asked them to not play around so late at night near my apartment. Conclusion: I think my cons list is longer and more complete than my pros list, but overall, I've not had a bad experience with Palm Court. This is my 4th apartment and I have run into problems of one shape of form at each and everyone. These are NOT houses, I AM living right ontop of other people, so I can really attribute many of my Cons to me not being acclaimated to apartment living yet. UPDATE: (early summer of 2008) I'm nearing the end of my lease, and am considering leaving palm court. I had written about downstairs neighbors of Eastern Indian origin being exceptionally loud; this never changed, but they moved out and for a whole 2 weeks I enjoyed silience. However, when the new tenants below me moved in, I noticed that they, once again were Indian and that they are worse than the their predecessors. I crossed my fingers, but was horrified to find out that they were twice as bad as the others. Not only do they talk/yell into the night (it must be a very noisy place, this India) like my prior neighbors, but they have a young child who does not sleep. This child S C R E A M S, almost everynight and sometimes does not stop till around midnight. I've asked them in person, to their faces, repeatedly, to keep it down, but nothing happens. I don't think they understand that I can hear them talking/yelling/wathcing TV as loudly as they do. I'll give exceptional lee-way for kiddos and the noise they make cause I am a parent too, but every night is a bit much, and to actually hear the parents yell at the kid for screaming is just peachy. I have realized: There isn't a damn thing I can do about the noise. Palm Court, though they make a small effort, can't help me either. ------- are loud and have a pointless disreguard for an American lifestyle. I wish I could say other wise, but this is my second 'Indian dealing' in less than a year and both have been extremely similar. As much as I talk to , make friends with , or ask them to stop, they don't.


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