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Advenir at Cherry Creek North

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Resident 2011 - 2016


I've lived here for 5 years, I first moved in when it had JUST became The Villas at Parker, previously Windsor Court, and I still live here now that they are Advenir at Cherry Creek North. I originally moved in because it was within my budget and they had pretty relaxed size and breed pet restrictions, which was perfect for me because I have two large breed dogs. They also didn't charge an arm and a leg on pet rent - $40 a month for two big dogs is not bad for renting. Honestly, the first couple of years weren't bad at all. The rent was reasonable, the common areas were well maintained, it was a fairly quiet neighborhood and aside from my crazy neighbor across the hall, I really enjoyed where I lived. The last few years got pretty crappy, though, in some ways, very literally. It is true there is dog poop every where, I am certain I'm the only pet owner who picks up after their pets but again, that only started in the past couple of years, they used to keep it pretty clean and they put out notices about cleaning up after your pet and keeping them on leash. That's the other part that has started to suck just in the past year or two, how many inconsiderate dog owners who have moved in that NEVER have their dog on a leash. Which would explain the poop every where - they just let their dog run around and poop wherever they want. It is also true some of the basement apartments and laundry areas flood during HEAVY rain - it's not any time it rains, just when it's a lot. And they do shampoo the carpets and fix the damage, it takes a while for them to get to it but they do it. I don't think it's possible to completely fix the issue because of the drainage system (or lack there of) on the back lots - it's a very old complex and even though they've tried to run a better drainage system, it hasn't seemed to help when there's really, really heavy rain (like flash flood type conditions). Here is where things stayed good until Advenir took over: the maintenance staff for the Villas was always super nice, super helpful and typically on the ball with major problems (like leaks, furnace problems, etc.) They never jacked up my pet rent or parking space fees, they kept it the same for all five years even though their rates had gone up. The management staff was always really nice to ME but I'm also a very respectful person so I definitely think I got what I put out. They never hassled me over anything or made stuff more difficult than it needed to be (like routine inspections and stuff like that). Things that got really bad in the last couple years of the Villas still being in charge: Roaches. Roach problems started in our building, something that had never been a problem before, in the summer of 2014 and is still a major issue in 2016. They did do treatments, as have I and it'll seem like they have done a pretty good job eradicating them but then you'll start seeing roaches again. And then they'll disappear and then reappear. This last year as been really bad and it's at a point where I've lost the battle of keeping them out of my apartment. Parking. I don't know what it is about this new set of a-holes who have moved in this year, mainly BMWs from what I've seen, but they all freely park in the covered parking - that you have to pay for - and the management never does anything about it, even if you complain about it. To the owners of the BMWs that like to park in and around my spot - I swear I'm going to pop your tires next time you're in my spot. I PAY FOR COVERED PARKING. Anyway.... Things have definitely gone down hill the past few years and it doesn't look like it's getting any better with Advenir. Advenir is a complete joke and a company to keep an eye on. Not only do they have a terrible maintenance staff (we miss you, Doug!) But they like to do shady stuff with their billing. That is one thing I can say about The Villas, they were always upfront about billing and never jerked me around. This new company, in their very first month of being in charge, has already tried to over charge me by $15 and charge me $2 for pest control that I NEVER GOT! They had a "new" pest control company come out and I told the dude, the roaches were getting worse and I wanted a full treatment. Not only has their "new pest control" completely failed at containing the situation, they never came back to do a full treatment. At least the Villas were actively trying to stay on top of the situation. Advenir also has a complete lack of staffing. Not only is there only ever one lady (who is very nice in spite of running around like a chicken with her head cut off) but they don't even plan accordingly. Like on the 1st of the month, when rent is due, you would think they would have more than just that one poor lady in there to help take payments, especially since their "new billing system" was completely messed up. But no, just her and a manager to deal with the onslaught of irritated people trying to pay bills that don't make sense to them (because their bill was messed up). Needless to say, after 5 loyal years with the Villas, I'll be leaving Advenir when my lease is up. Which I'm sure they wouldn't let me resign anyway because they have way stricter pet policies and are trying to jack up all the pricing. Good luck trying to get people to pay 1k a month for a 1 bedroom in this roach motel!

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    Advenir at Cherry Creek North

    October 2024





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