Review History for Verified Resident 994579

Heights on Huron

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Resident 994579

Verified Resident 2021 - 2022


I'm going to go through this review one thing at a time, first and foremost: Roaches. I can't recommend moving in here for these health reasons alone. The stress of dealing with it is immense. This place has an issue with German roaches. There's just nothing you can do about it. They spray often, but this just forces the things indoors. I've been battling them since I moved in. I've managed to keep them to a minimum as my place isn't the source, but they keep coming in. You can't control what conditions your neighbors live in. Despite my efforts, roaches are still around and scare the crap out of me when they run out from under something I pick up in the morning. If you complain to the office about it, it's a hellish process, but it's no fault of the office folks, it's just the procedures for handling it. In order to have your place treated, you have to remove everything you own from all the cabinets and drawers and let them come "treat" your kitchen and bathrooms once a week for over a month. So you're basically living in boxes for weeks, as if you just moved in. In my experience though, they don't even come to treat. I have cameras in my apartment to keep an eye on my pet. I've seen them come in, spend 4 minutes walking around and leave without doing anything. Other times, they've signed off on having been in my apartment and treated my place without ever having shown up (this was a day I actually took off work to let them in and watch what they do and they never came). So I gave up on that. I've found ways to manage the roach populations myself, but it's never a permanent solution. They're impossible to get rid of. Sticky traps in high traffic areas, bait traps and diatomaceous earth for those that escape the traps. You have to keep up with it like it's your job though. Crime: This area is extremely active in that regard. The police, fire dept and ambulances are here constantly. The lake across the street attracts a large homeless population in the summers. In the winters, you'll find them sleeping in our shared laundry rooms if the doors don't get locked in time, so do you laundry during the day. There is always some resident or passerby tweaking out or something and getting the cops called on them. I can't tell you how many times in the middle of the day that I've heard screaming in the parking lot while someone is being restrained and put in the back of a cop car or ambulance. In the middle of the day. I've had only one attempted break-in to my apartment. A man tried to follow me from my car into my apartment as I was coming home from work around 3pm, but I got in before he could get to my door. Contacted police, but they couldn't do a whole lot as technically, a crime didn't happen (thankfully). But opportunists are around and you have to be vigilant. I have heard complaints of car break ins, but haven't seen it myself. Noise/Neighbors: The neighbors are actually pretty quiet despite how thin the walls are. Parties are to a minimum. I've probably only heard 2 happen in 6 months, and they were during appropriate hours and days, and noise levels manageable, and I slept through them fine. So no problems there. With thin walls though, it's helpful to have a white noise machine at night. Neighbors overall are pretty polite and quiet. There are many families here. People are pretty helpful of each other if there is car trouble or something like that. One of my neighbors helped me move a piece of furniture into my unit while I was moving alone. I helped my other neighbors jump their car. The people here are good. Other good things are some schools close by, fire dept across the street, police station 2 blocks away, and a bus stop right in front of the complex, as well as a park and lake across the street (which looks nice, but I wouldn't explore it after dark alone so jury still out on that one.) Staff: Staff are super polite, but it seems to be a high turnover. I can't tell for sure. Just always seems like there is someone new in the office. The maintenance guys working the complex do a fantastic job of maintaining the sidewalks when there is snow and ice, I see them working hard all the time outside. Coming and going, picking up trash. The only issue I've had with them is the about treating my place for roaches. I once noticed a washing machine was flooded, but it was fixed before I could even report it. I haven't had any other maintenance issues than pest control to compare services with. I don't know what their response time or work is like in regard to anything else. Probably because nothing has broken in my apartment, which is good. Heat, cooling, water, electrical, etc. has all worked as it should during my time here. Overall, I'm just trying to do the best I can here until my lease is up. It honestly wouldn't be that terrible if not for the roaches. I've lived in rough areas and can handle a lot, but not pests. I can't afford to break lease, and there is no housing in the entire state of Colorado at the moment. If you're desperate for a spot, this isn't the worst place on the planet, but if you can afford to hold out for something better, I would.


    Heights on Huron
    Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback with us. The team is investigating this further to learn more about your experience, especially about your list of concerns. We are working on ways to find a better solution to this concern. If you are willing, please send an email to [email protected] or give us a call at 303-451-5566 so we can further assist you. We hope you'll allow us to speak with you.

    Review 27 out of 124

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    Heights on Huron

    October 2024





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