Renter’s Advice and Resources


18 Holiday Decor Tips for Small Living Spaces

Cassie Damewood

 · Dec 3, 2019


Seeing giant trees go up in stores and larger-than-life holiday displays through the picture windows of sprawling homes is inspirational — until it makes you think about how little space in you have in your own apartment to decorate for the season. No worries! With very little money and a ton of creativity, you too […]

Jack o’lanterns are really good for scaring toddlers, but if Halloween ranks right up there with December holidays for you, a hollowed-out gourd with a candle inside probably isn’t going make the grade. After all, you want to strike fear into the hearts of sassy teenagers and adults who are just there to chaperone their […]

Cassie Damewood

 · Oct 22, 2019


It’s an eerie feeling nearly everyone has experienced. You visit someone’s home for the first time and instantly feel totally at ease. It’s not déjà vu or the aroma of apple pie in the air, it’s just welcoming and cozy

Cassie Damewood

 · Sep 19, 2019


No matter how much you’ve enjoyed that shelving unit you spent a whole day putting together with an Allen wrench or that dresser you scored for $10 at a garage sale, sooner or later you’ll want something new. But instead of shopping for replacements, why not use your industrious creativity to revamp those old pieces? […]

Cassie Damewood

 · Aug 1, 2019


If you’re like most people out there, it’s important to you to put your own personal touch on your home. One of the first things you’ll probably consider in that regard is painting the walls a new color upon moving in.

Juliette Moore

 · Jun 27, 2019


Decorating feels like a chore for some people. After all, you may find the furnishings available in most stores to be a bit pricey, not suited to your personal taste, or even unable to fit the needs of your space. But you don’t have to resign yourself to the average home decor department. If you […]

Juliette Moore

 · Apr 23, 2019


Like it or not, a security deposit is often a fundamental part of renting. After all, none of us particularly relishes the thought of handing over a chunk of change that we might not see for the foreseeable future. When it comes to personalizing an apartment, it can sometimes be difficult to figure out how […]

Juliette Moore

 · Apr 2, 2019


A master bedroom shouldn’t be just the largest bedroom in the apartment — it should be a veritable Shangri-la focused on you and your partner’s most intimate wants and needs. A special place you daydream about when you’re stuck in traffic, arguing with your mother-in-law, or having a root canal. Practicality may come first when […]

Cassie Damewood

 · Mar 14, 2019


Right around the turn of the 21st century, industrial chic was born. Also called industrial style, it evolved from people transforming old warehouses, schools, manufacturing plants, and other traditionally non-residential buildings into living spaces. The first of these converted flats most commonly consisted of huge single-story units with no walls, rooms, central heating, or conventional […]

Cassie Damewood

 · Jan 17, 2019


When you were young, you mother or grandmother likely told you that first impressions mattered. As it turns out, this saying not only applies to your personal demeanor but also to your home — and in both cases, you only get once chance to make a good one.

Cassie Damewood

 · Jan 10, 2019
