Renter’s Advice and Resources


4 Common Problems When Living with Friends

Staff Writer

 · Aug 18, 2009


After years of living under your parents’ rule, living with friends seems like it’ll be a non-stop party, but along with new freedoms comes greater responsibility, and not all of your friends may be up to the task. One of the most common roommate problems is rooming with friends. Think It Over Living with friends […]

If you’re renting an apartment with a roommate, it goes without saying that you’ll have to sacrifice some of your personal privacy. You can’t share a living space with another person and not have some overlap during the course of your daily life. That doesn’t mean you have to share every moment with them, and […]

Staff Writer

 · Aug 15, 2009


Dealing with a snoring roommate is a little more delicate than dealing with a snoring spouse. Although you may not be sharing a room with your roommate, you may not feel close enough to him or her to just tell the snorer he or she has a problem. However, in order to get a good […]

Staff Writer

 · Aug 12, 2009


Need to find a roommate but don’t know any friend, family member or co-worker who is looking for a new home? Perhaps you want to spread your wings and meet new people, but the idea of posting a classified and advertising for a stranger to live with you seems a little frightening. Finding a roommate […]

Staff Writer

 · Aug 11, 2009


So your roommate is funny, thoughtful, attractive and everything you’re looking for in a boyfriend or girlfriend. You find yourself fantasizing about him or her and it’s starting to get difficult to pretend like nothing has changed. You’re not the only one to face these kinds of roommate problems, but you’d be wise to consider […]

Staff Writer

 · Aug 7, 2009


Sharing an apartment with a family member (or two) can be both a relief and a cause of stress. In the end, your experience living with a family roommate depends largely on the character of that family member and you. The pros and cons of cohabitating with a family member include: Pro 1. An Understanding […]

Staff Writer

 · Aug 3, 2009


Sharing an apartment with a co-worker can be either a positive or a negative experience. If a co-worker approaches you with the idea of living together, make sure you think the decision through. Before you decide to move in, debate the pros and cons of cohabitation with a co-worker, which include: Pro 1. A Responsible […]

Staff Writer

 · Aug 1, 2009


Sharing your living space can be great. There are many benefits to having roommates, but nothing is perfect. There are downsides to having roommates. Before you make the decision to share your living space, carefully weight the pros and cons. Pros of Having Roommates Saving money on rent. Obviously, the more roommates you have, the more […]

Emily Gojko

 · Jul 31, 2009


When you’re looking to cut back on your rental costs, married roommates might provide you with the opportunity to save quite a bit on your monthly costs. However, you should carefully consider the pros and cons of cohabitation with a married couple before you post that ad or consider your married friends’ offer. Pro 1. […]

Staff Writer

 · Jul 29, 2009


Roommate situations are, more often than not, the result of need and not choice. So, while the act of deciding to live with a roommate is an inherently simple one, the act of finding and choosing the right roommate is far more complex. Sharing your living space with someone, even a close friend, can be […]

Staff Writer

 · Jul 25, 2009
