Renter’s Advice and Resources

Health & Safety

Second Hand Smoke in Your Apartment


 · Dec 4, 2006


Second-hand smoke (also called environmental tobacco smoke or ETS) is a health risk for everyone, and particularly for children (who become very susceptible to developing asthma or respiratory infections when exposed to smoke) and the elderly. It’s within your power to quit smoking if you’re a smoker, choose to live with only non-smokers, and ask your guests to smoke outside if they must. But what if your neighbors are smokers? Even if they smoke outside, the smoke might migrate into your living space through cracks around doors or windows or in ventilation system, posing a threat to your health. So what rights do you have when it comes to protecting yourself against second-hand smoke? Read on for more information about the dangers of second-hand smoke and the ways you can protect yourself.

You’ve probably seen cockroaches before, but were likely too concerned with screaming, running away, and finding a can of Raid to notice much about the bug. There are many, many different types of cockroaches, and every variety has its own unique set of characteristics and habits. It’s definitely possible that your area is inhabited by a number of cockroach species, so you’ll probably need to use a combination of pest control methods to battle all the different cockroaches that want to share your home.


 · Sep 11, 2006


Living in proximity to a known sexual offender can be scary, but it’s even more frightening–and more dangerous–if you’re not aware of it. State governments and a variety of watchdog groups offer a wealth of resources for looking up and tracking sexual offenders in your area. Use these resources to become and remain aware of who your neighbors are, and teach any children in your household what to do if a stranger approaches them.


 · Jun 21, 2006


Fires can be frightening, but what’s even more frightening is not being prepared for them. With just a little training, you can become better equipped to deal with a fire should one ever start in your apartment. Check out this article to learn the differences between the many types of fires and extinguishers, and how best to extinguish these various fires.


 · May 17, 2006


Mold can pose a major health risk, particularly in very damp areas or in older apartment buildings. Many apartment complexes in high-mold areas are required to disclose information about the risks of mold to potential tenants. Read on to discover your rights when it comes to the health risks posed by black mold and other types of potentially toxic molds.


 · May 10, 2006


Lead-based paint, which contains measurable quantities of lead, has the potential to be a health hazard. Use of the paint in residential buildings was outlawed in the late 1970’s, but many older residences may still contain lead-based paint. Read on for general information about lead-based paint and specifics regarding your landlord’s responsibilities in relation to this issue.


 · Apr 26, 2006


If your apartment building has been affected by a devastating natural disaster, the last thing you want to do is deal with paperwork and repairs. The good news is that, since you’re a tenant, these stressful responsibilities probably rest with your landlord. The bad news is that you’re at your landlord’s mercy regarding when repairs will be finished, and you’ll be affected by any mistakes made in the reconstruction process. What do you need to do after a disaster, and what kind of assistance can you obtain? Here’s a quick list of important deeds to be done after a natural disaster:


 · Mar 6, 2006


Ok, maybe your roommate really didn’t eat those chocolate chip cookies you had been craving all day. The small bites in the box could suggest another culprit: mice. You mean those weren’t raisins on the floor the other day? Mice infestation can be a huge problem. Since mice reproduce five to ten times a year, with five or six in each litter, two mice can quickly turn into hundreds. So, if you don’t like the idea of things running across your feet when you get up to go to the bathroom at 2 am, here are some tips for getting rid of mice.


 · Jan 16, 2006


Carbon monoxide, or the “silent killer,” is a colorless, tasteless, mostly odorless, and poisonous gas that results from the incomplete oxidation of oxygen in combustion, often due to insufficient supply of oxygen for burning. Improperly ventilated or leaking appliances that burn fuel can be sources of carbon monoxide gas, as can older or heavily used appliances that no longer burn fuel properly.


 · Jan 11, 2006


Did you know… smoke detectors are required?
The installation of smoke detectors in your apartment is legally required and usually part of your lease. According to the New York Fire Department, “Landlords must install smoke detectors in multiple-dwelling apartment buildings.” Since most fire deaths occur at home with non working smoke detectors, it is important for you and your landlord to regularly check that your smoke detector works.


 · Oct 19, 2005
