Renter’s Advice and Resources

Saving Money

Tips for Negotiating Cheaper Rent

Beth Fitzjarrald

 · Jun 8, 2017


Rent is one of most people’s biggest monthly expenses. Wouldn’t it be great if there was a way to shave $50 or $100 off of your monthly payment and put that money toward something fun and exciting?

No matter where you live or how careful you are, you’re bound to encounter property damage eventually. As a tenant, what damages will you have to pay for? The answer depends on your exact situation, but there are a few things everybody should know about dealing with dinged apartments: Wear and Tear As a tenant, […]

Cole Nemeth

 · May 18, 2017


Every weekend, my town plays host to a fabulous farmers market. Local growers bring their finest produce, meat, eggs, and honey for community members to swarm around and buy in bulk.

Beth Fitzjarrald

 · May 11, 2017


Your budget is tight, but you can’t face one more day of ramen noodles. Everyone knows it’s expensive to eat “healthy”, right? Wrong! Here are a few tips to help you stretch your grocery dollar for the freshest, tastiest options all year round.

Beth Fitzjarrald

 · Feb 28, 2017


Most houses and apartments are not made to really keep all the cold air out. There are little cracks around the sides of windows and doors, in the fireplace area if one exists, around spots where wires and exhaust pipes go through the side of the house. In most homes, those tiny cracks add up […]

Beth Fitzjarrald

 · Feb 7, 2017


So, you’re living on a shoestring budget? We can relate! Oh, and you’re in a tiny one-bedroom apartment with limited space?

Staff Writer

 · Sep 22, 2016


Are you living somewhere with no air conditioning or on a tight budget and want to keep those utility bills down? Maybe you just want to live a little “greener” this summer. As it starts to heat up, here are 6 easy tricks to keep your cool without turning on that AC. 1. Use Fans […]

Beth Fitzjarrald

 · Jul 26, 2016


It’s blustery, it’s snowy – it’s time for a nice cozy blanket. But cranking the thermostat to keep you warm comes with a high price tag, or maybe you don’t even have control of your own thermostat settings? It may seem silly to invest money in a place you’re renting. But there are quite a […]

Trevor Coulson

 · Mar 9, 2016


In the summer, your A/C makes 90- and 100-degree weather bearable, and in the winter, thanks to your heating, there’s no need to walk around your apartment wearing woolens and gloves to keep from freezing. But your astronomical bill during the height of these seasons must have alerted you to the fact that HVAC usage […]

Eva R. Marienchild

 · Sep 14, 2015


If you seem to be accumulating more stuff than you can squeeze into your apartment lately and you need some extra money, consider having a yard sale. I must admit to being a bit intimidated by my first yard sale because I had no idea what to expect and it seemed like a lot of […]

Heather Myers

 · Jul 2, 2015
