Renter’s Advice and Resources

Small Space Ideas

Organizing Your Kitchen Pantry Storage


 · Jul 31, 2006


Your kitchen is a mess of clutter: six half-empty boxes of Frosted Flakes scattered across the counter, a rarely-used mixer hiding in the inaccessible cabinet over the fridge (you’re short, okay?!), a bag of almost-rotten lettuce on each shelf of your fridge (but none of them in the crisper where they belong), a jumble of frozen meals in the freezer, stacks of cans on the counter, dirty appliances on every open surface, and empty cupboards. Or maybe your cupboards are full, but you can’t find anything–flour is resting beside cans of baked beans, tuna is hiding behind boxes of crackers, and your waffle maker is buried in a stack of half-empty bags of chips. Whatever your situation, you need to get your kitchen organized now. Here are some helpful tips to take your kitchen from “Oh no” to “Oh wow.” To do this, you’ll need to ask yourself some questions… (and answer them, too!)

To move or not to move—it’s not really a question sometimes, but a necessity. The question arises when considering how to move. Should you hire a moving company? Do it yourself? Enlist a strong friend or two? Each approach has pros and cons, so you’ll have to consider your own situation in order to make the choice that’s right for you.


 · Jul 5, 2006


Apartments, especially studios and efficiencies, can be short on space. This can result in the loss of both functional and storage space. One great way to help combat space constraints is building a loft bed or other lofted space to help use the vertical space available in your apartment to its fullest potential otherwise. There are obvious limitations to this process in an apartment environment, where you’re not able to make major modifications to your surroundings. However, it’s relatively cheap and easy to build a freestanding loft bed that won’t have a lasting effect on your apartment, and the space you save will more than compensate for the initial investment in materials. Many people use lofts to house their mattresses, as beds can take up a lot of space. This is a great option, but just building a loft for storage can greatly increase the number of places to put things in your apartment, without reducing your floor space.


 · Jun 26, 2006


Is your apartment sparkling clean and perfectly organized except for that pesky little corner where you work? Is your tiny desk drowning in stacks of paper and books, and are you always unable to find your favorite pen when you need it, having to settle instead on a boring Bic? Have no fear, help is here—today we’ll show you how to organize even the smallest desk space so it allows for the perfect level of productivity.


 · May 1, 2006


Your kitchen may be one of the most-used rooms in your home, but it’s probably also one of the least organized. You may be convinced you just have too much stuff in your kitchen to ever have hope of conquering the clutter. With a little effort and innovation, and our helpful tips, you can transform your kitchen from a war zone into a food preparation zone. Read on to learn how.


 · Apr 5, 2006


New Years Resolution: Organizing Your Life

It’s almost that time of year again. All year long you’ve been saying “Oh, I’ll do that next year,” and the time is finally upon us. And no, you can’t renege on your new years resolution to organize your apartment. Bet you wish you had only promised to visit your mother more often. Organizing can be difficult in a small apartment; sometimes there just doesn’t seem to be enough room to store everything. But with a few helpful organizing tips, you can really maximize your space, and rid yourself of unnecessary clutter in the New Year – you’ll have to deal with that pesky neighbor on your own.


 · Dec 12, 2005


Almost everyone has an apartment-dwelling pal or two. And whether your apartment-renting friends are young or old, male or female, liberal or Libertarian, they’ll always appreciate a unique gift that helps make apartment living easier. Such gifts can range from cheap to expensive, colorful to demure, and big to small, but they’re all focused on one thing: making apartment living easier.


 · Dec 7, 2005


You have a lot of friends and relatives, but you also have a tiny apartment. How can you fit all your loved ones into a small space for holiday gatherings? Beyond simple space considerations, you may also need to handle the nuances of various family/friendly relationships, different age groups, and various seating or dietary needs. Here are a few tips for a successful, rather than a hectic, Thanksgiving experience.


 · Nov 21, 2005


Is the bathroom in your apartment too small? Is your newspaper/magazine in the living room when you go into the bathroom to take care of business? Is your towel always on the floor? It’s time to pick it up and get a towel rack that goes above your toilet. This storage unit is easy to install, reasonably priced, and has many uses.


 · Nov 2, 2005
