Renter’s Advice and Resources

Renter’s Advice and Resources

What Not to Do in an Apartment Fire

Hana Ames

 · Sep 29, 2020


Public fire departments responded to 1,318,500 fires in 2018, which was almost the same number as the year before. According to the National Fire Protection Association, a fire department in the United States responds to a fire somewhere in the nation once every 24 seconds.

Few things are worse than a fire breaking out in your rental or apartment building. You may be wondering how you could get out safely if one were to happen,

Juliette Moore

 · Jul 9, 2019


Fire home safety is not an issue to be considered lightly. A fire in your home can be dangerous and deadly. Being prepared in case of a fire in your home can save your belongings and you life. Below are a few things to do and avoid when planning for the possibility of a fire. […]

Staff Writer

 · Aug 25, 2010


Having a disaster plan ready in case of emergency can save your life. Although you may wish to never have to deal with an apartment fire, for example, you should know what to do if your apartment or complex starts on fire. Have a Fireproof Safe and/or Backups Hopefully you’ll never have to put your […]

Staff Writer

 · Jun 28, 2010


There are advantages and disadvantages of owning a wired or wireless smoke detector. Either way it is a good idea to make sure you have at least one kind properly installed and maintained. That said, let us take a look at the best choice for you. AC vs. DC A wired smoke detector runs off the […]

Staff Writer

 · Feb 8, 2010


During an emergency, it can be hard to figure out which exit to take or what to grab. Living in an apartment can make it even harder: there might be more than one exit to choose from, or perhaps you live on an upper floor. But you can reduce the potential for problems if you create a safety escape plan.

Oh My Apartment

 · Oct 6, 2008


Fires can be frightening, but what’s even more frightening is not being prepared for them. With just a little training, you can become better equipped to deal with a fire should one ever start in your apartment. Check out this article to learn the differences between the many types of fires and extinguishers, and how best to extinguish these various fires.


 · May 17, 2006


If your apartment building has been affected by a devastating natural disaster, the last thing you want to do is deal with paperwork and repairs. The good news is that, since you’re a tenant, these stressful responsibilities probably rest with your landlord. The bad news is that you’re at your landlord’s mercy regarding when repairs will be finished, and you’ll be affected by any mistakes made in the reconstruction process. What do you need to do after a disaster, and what kind of assistance can you obtain? Here’s a quick list of important deeds to be done after a natural disaster:


 · Mar 6, 2006


An apartment fire: whether it happens when you’re away or whether you have to flee a burning building, the loss of your home is a traumatizing event. If you didn’t previously have renter’s insurance, the event will likely motivate you to learn more or even take out a policy. If you did have renter’s insurance, this article will let you know the steps you need to take following an unexpected disaster like a fire.


 · Jan 23, 2006
