Renter’s Advice and Resources

Renter’s Advice and Resources

5 Tips to Find the Right College Roommate

Jessica Lee

 · Jul 25, 2023


Whether you’re an incoming college student feeling anxious about your potential dorm roommate or a budget-conscious graduate student preparing to embrace adulthood, choosing a compatible roommate can be a challenging endeavor.

Renting an apartment can be a daunting task, especially when you’re moving alone. Fortunately, roommates are there to help! Renting with a roommate can save you money, help build new connections, and provide a better renting experience.

Jessica Lee

 · Jun 16, 2023


Moldy dishes, dirty clothes, spoiled milk, mildewed shower tiles, bags of garbage (or, worse, garbage scattered all over the apartment), overflowing litter boxes, and a toothpaste-laden sink—living with a messy roommate can be a unique form of odorous, cluttered hell. Regardless of how you found your roommate—through the world wide web or through a friendship of ten years—you’ll probably need to address the issue of apartment cleanliness at some point in your rooming relationships. This article contains tips for dealing with a messy roommate in a constructive way. You might not be able to persuade a persistently untidy individual to help keep your apartment absolutely pristine, but you should be able to make your situation much more tolerable.

Bonface Landi

 · Sep 21, 2021


As rent prices keep climbing, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to afford an apartment on your own — especially if you’re still in school or you just recently graduated. One of the best ways to keep your living expenses down is to have a roommate who can split the cost of the rent and utilities with […]

Ramona Branson

 · Jun 28, 2018


Roommates can be like family. Think about it: you’re with them every time you wake up in the morning, you probably share a lot of meals together, and you split up all the household responsibilities.

Ramona Branson

 · May 24, 2018


Living alone certainly has its perks — watching anything you like on Netflix, the ability to keep food that only you love in the fridge, and being as loud as you like at any time of the day, to name a few — but one of its main drawbacks is the fact that all the […]

Ramona Branson

 · May 17, 2018


Living on campus certainly has its perks: the ability to roll out of bed and make it to class within five minutes of waking up, the endless food options that your school’s dining halls have to offer, and of course, the fact that you don’t have to fight for parking 10 minutes before your class […]

Ramona Branson

 · Mar 8, 2018


Having a roommate can be beneficial in many ways. For one thing, they help you out with the rent each month, but they also provide companionship, someone to talk about your day with, and an automatic Netflix buddy. If you’re not quite ready to live alone or you can’t afford to, having a roommate is […]

Ramona Branson

 · Oct 24, 2017


Everyone has their own slightly weird preferences and habits. After all, we might not feel at home without all those posters of our favorite 80s rock bands or daily 5 AM yoga sessions. For the most part, roommates with different styles and schedules can work out agreements by doing whatever they want in their own […]

Beth Fitzjarrald

 · Sep 19, 2017


Whether you’re going to rent an apartment with a significant other or a friend or a roommate you’ve found, there’s one thing a lot of co-renters forget to talk about before moving day: what furniture do you both have, and what furniture will you actually need? More than likely, you won’t need two sofas and two […]

Kristin Hillery

 · Aug 17, 2016
