Renter’s Advice and Resources

Renter’s Advice and Resources

Apartment Disaster Plan: Tornado Safety

Staff Writer

 · Jun 23, 2010


It’s essential that you have a disaster plan in place so you know how to respond to an emergency like a tornado. Planning ahead can save your life, so pay attention to these tornado safety tips: Have a Disaster Kit The cornerstone of any disaster plan is to have a disaster kit on hand. You’ll […]

When spring time rolls around, you can’t control the bad weather. For apartment safety, there are a certain number of items needed in case of a tornado. 1. Weather Radio A weather radio is necessary to have in case of electricity being lost. Severe thunderstorms can cause power outages and are known to produce tornadoes. […]

Staff Writer

 · Mar 9, 2010


If your apartment building has been affected by a devastating natural disaster, the last thing you want to do is deal with paperwork and repairs. The good news is that, since you’re a tenant, these stressful responsibilities probably rest with your landlord. The bad news is that you’re at your landlord’s mercy regarding when repairs will be finished, and you’ll be affected by any mistakes made in the reconstruction process. What do you need to do after a disaster, and what kind of assistance can you obtain? Here’s a quick list of important deeds to be done after a natural disaster:


 · Mar 6, 2006
