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Briarwick Apartment Homes

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Resident 2009


SERIOUSLY!!! this place sucks!!

MY ROOMATE AND I HAVE LIVED HERE FOR ABOUT 7MONTHS AND LET ME TELL YOU WE CANNOT WAIT TO MOVE OUT!!!! THIS PLACE SUCKS!! AND LET ME TELL YOU WHY!!! 1)POOR MANAGEMENT! NO ONE CONTACTED US! WE CONTACTED THEM! AFTER we signed our lease! Rent is really high!! $800 a month is not worth it! you could find better!! I REGRET IT! 2)POOR MANAGEMENT!! Everyone in the office is pretty shady, and they seem to not like any "minority" people who go there. They all get WIERD looks. Some people are okay, but some people aren't! The manager CATEGORIZED my boyfriend and I when we were in the pool room! I FEEL wierd, odd and UNCOMFORTABLE going there. 3)We were NOT allowed to see OUR apartment until the day we moved in! When I asked why, they said it was because we did not pay all of the rent yet!!?? And, when we came in, it was NOTHING like the EXAMPLE they had shown us! Our's was NASTY! and FILTHY! It seemed as if they did not even vaccume it! 4)THE CLEANING WAS AWFUL! Our apartment had STAINS everywhere! and rust just about everywhere! the paint began to bubble up when we started turning on the heat! they would not replace our dirty and stained carpet as it was ONLY 7 YEARS OLD! 5)EXTRA TENANTS!!!! When you sign the lease, little do you know that in the winter you will have EXTRA GUESTS!! and they are called MICE! When we called management, they did not even do anything about it. They just told us to go to their offices to get mouse traps which SUCKED! So, we had to provide our own!!! We caught about 4 mice within a 1.5 hour time frame. Still they ignored our request to come and do something about it. In Total, we caught about 8 mice! But they said "Don't worry, they're only here in the winter. Come Spring, they'll be gone!" What an excuse! 6) OTHER INSECTS!! The bathroom had silverheads when it was moist. They are tiny small slivery things that are silver and they slither on the tiled floor! We had centipedes as well as other nasty bugs crawling on our walls. 7)Bathroom!! our bathroom sink had a HOLE! literally a HOLE underneath the sink. Furthermore, the tub drains SOO SLOW! When i take a shower, I shower in water that's up to my calfs, almost full to the top of the tub! 8)NOISE!!! The whole SOUND PROOF thing.. it's a SCAM!!! Once you read your LEASE!! it tells you NOT TO MAKE A LOT OF NOISE! BUT, the people upstairs SURE LIKE MAKING A LOT OF NOISE (in their bedroom when you sleep at night)! ALSO, there is a time limit on how late you can do your laundry. You can't do it PAST 8 or 9 i believe!! However, there are people doing their laundry after MIDNIGHT!!!! 9)BRUTAL WINTERS!! They are really BAD when it comes to shoveling snow!! It was as if you had nothing to do all day long! Your schedule had to revolve around when wanted to shovel snow. When it snowed, you were stranded. They did not shovel the snow until it was over. Our heat died multiple times. 10)SPEAKING OF HEAT! Speaking of heat, they lie saying that heat is free. It is, but on the thermostat it reads that it can be turned up to 100. HOWEVER, when our heat died the first time, one of the maintinence guys told us, that the heat only goes up to 75 no MATTER HOW HIGH YOU TURN UP THE HEAT!!! LIARS!! 11)PARKING! Parking is a pain. We pay extra money to park in guest parking, because there is NEVER any parking space in our area! and NO, I do not want to park in another parking lot FURTHER from my apartment. Cars would park in the parking lot for days, even though they didn't have a parking pass. 12)DOGS!!!! I LOVE DOGS!! but DO NOT appreciate them roaming around FREELY without their owner in sight!! I would come home around 9pm-10pm and it's dark! Out of nowhere, this black haired dog with jump out AT ME! and follow me around!!! WAITING for me to open my apartment door!! IT just wouldn't LEAVE!! Also, some people never picked up after their animals which is pretty annoying! 13) MOLD!!! We have mold in our shoe closet! I have mold on my shoe! Did they do anything?? NO! 14) CRIME!!!! There was this girl who was going around trying to get people to sign a petition so that management would make the area more secure and safe for all tenants, but NOPE the managers just blew her off, sending out a letter to all tenants making things seem like there was nothing wrong.. SO RUDE! We haven't had a lot of rain fall, but in my roommates bedroom, there's already a hole forming at the top of her ceiling. I can only imagine what it's going to be like when it rains in the spring!!! EEK!! My overall advice!! PLEASE DON'T LIVE HERE!! THIS PLACE SUCKS!!! It only looks nice, and people only are smooth talkers! ESPECIALLY WHINNIE!! BUT SHE IS THE MOST FAKE!! AND I CANNOT WAIT TO GET OUT OF HERE AND NEVER COME BACK!!! THIS PLACE IS FAKE!!!!!!!!!!

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    Briarwick Apartment Homes

    October 2024





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