Renter’s Advice and Resources

Health & Safety

5 Tips to Eliminate Pet Odors

Staff Writer

 · Sep 29, 2009


Eliminating pet odors is a must for healthy apartment living. You don’t have to spend a lot of money on it, and doing it consistently will help you keep your security deposit when you move out. Here are 5 tips to help you get rid of those odors: 1. Train Your Pet The best way […]

Refrigerator odors are easier to prevent than to remedy, mainly because a smell tends to linger even after its source has been removed. Not only are odors unpleasant to the nose, over time they can affect the way other food in your fridge tastes. Keep unfavorable refrigerator smells at bay by being proactive in keeping the appliance, […]

Rachael Weiner

 · Sep 24, 2009


Not every apartment complex comes with on-site parking, or enough spaces to accommodate all of your vehicles. Keep your car safe when parking on the street by using these tips. 1 – Set Your Car Alarm, Lock Your Doors and Close Your Windows This seems pretty obvious, but not all car alarms turn on automatically. […]

Emily Gojko

 · Sep 22, 2009


As nice as it would be to escape all of life’s realities when you set off for a vacation, you need to be mindful to keep your apartment safe while you’re gone. By employing a few simple precautions and using some common sense, you’ll be able to embark on a worry-free vacation. Step One: Unplug All Appliances […]

Rachael Weiner

 · Sep 20, 2009


Atypical Safety Methods are some of the most practical and cost effective methods for apartment safety. Regardless of your living area or apartment community, any added safety you might provide will help to secure your safety and give you greater peace of mind when securing your home or apartment. What Is Atypical Safety? Atypical, or […]

Staff Writer

 · Sep 18, 2009


If you have a pet, you are probably all too familiar with pet stains. Pet stain removal products are abundant, but it is hard to know which ones work, and which are a waste of money. Also, it is important to know how to properly remove pet stains. Here are some cheap pet stain removal […]

Emily Gojko

 · Sep 15, 2009


A second lock, or even a third or fourth will definitely provide for you another degree of apartment safety. And, just as important it may provide additional peace of mind.  A dependable lock – set is the only protection you and your possessions have from intruders. And, a second lock, quite simply, makes it twice as difficult […]

Staff Writer

 · Sep 13, 2009


Burglar security is important for any apartment living situation, but even more so for a tenant who lives alone. You can’t just hope that it will never happen to you. You have to be proactive to prevent a burglary from happening in the first place. Here are some tips to help you protect yourself and […]

Staff Writer

 · Sep 11, 2009


Kitchen cleaning for the apartment resident needs to be efficient and inexpensive, to allow for even the smallest of spaces and the tightest of budgets. You can save money when apartment cleaning in your kitchen with the following tips: 1 – Don’t Waste Money on Commercial Cleansers Commercial cleansers are not only harsh on your […]

Staff Writer

 · Sep 11, 2009


An apartment doorman is a great advantage if you are lucky enough to have one. They play multiple roles in buildings where they are employed. The Doorman’s Role in Apartment Safety The primary role of an apartment doorman is safety. Your doorman watches the premises and monitors who comes and goes. When a visitor arrives to […]

Lisa Bernstein

 · Sep 10, 2009
