Renter’s Advice and Resources

Renter’s Advice and Resources

Simple Ways to Decorate for Spring

Cole Nemeth

 · May 1, 2018


When it finally starts to feel like spring, we can’t help but smile and take advantage of the warmer weather. This is especially true for those of us who live in parts of the world that experience four distinct seasons. But digging out your dresses, capris, and light jackets isn’t the only way to bring […]

It’s spring! Trees are budding, kids are playing outside, and everything seems fresh and new. Except your apartment, where the gloom of the winter seems to be lingering on? Spring cleaning has long been a tradition for many people – scrubbing all the baseboards and insides of cupboards to make everything feel ready for the […]

Beth Fitzjarrald

 · Apr 22, 2016


It’s almost spring – which means it’s time to spruce up your space. If you’re like me, spring cleaning means something new for walls, artwork, and decor. As a renter, I always try to balance adding my personal touch within my rental agreement and keeping within my budget. Try a few of these ideas to add […]

Beth Fitzjarrald

 · Mar 2, 2015


If you’re like most people, this time of year has you twitching for spring to come. Winter is still here, but with spurts of warm sunny days, who can help but feel the anticipation of fresh green leaves and baby blades of grass coming up? If you just can’t wait for those baby greens to […]

Heather Myers

 · Feb 23, 2015


Since spring crafts are a lot of fun, you can involve your children in decorating for spring. Such crafts can be made from a variety of materials and can bring color and joy to your home. Here are three craft ideas for the young ones: 1. Handprints and Footprints on Construction Paper Take several different […]

Staff Writer

 · Apr 4, 2011
