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7510 Brompton Road , Houston, TX 77025
(593 Reviews)
$860 - $3,340/mo


3.2 rating

593 total reviews




Reviews with the Verified Badge are from residents or prospects surveyed directly from SatisFactsā„¢ at the community, ensuring reviews are from real residents or prospects!


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Resident ā€¢ 2009


Brompton Court

Brompton court is a very nice place to live, yes the property is a little older and indeed water pipes do break underground, but I saw for myself the fast response from the apartment people in the office, they called the plumber immediately and the contractor was here within two hours, they fixed the problem and all was resolved. I think the people in the office do a good job of managing an older community like this one, you have to take certain things into consideration from time to time, and have a little patience in your life. Sometimes people are in such a hurry to get to work or get from here and there they forget about the big picture. I suggest if you are looking for a apartment and you look on here for feed back, take the time to stop a resident in the parking area ask them for yourself how they like living at Brompton Court, I bet you for the most part it will be positive response. Also another suggestion is drive through the complex see what kind of cars are here, you will not see people loitering or outside drinkingā€¦Ā See More>
    Review Author Icon


    Resident ā€¢ 2008 - 2009


    do yourself a favor, run!

    ignore all the "positives" people are putting on here- it's management staff lying. Do NOT move here if you love yourself. Nothing works, water is always out, power goes out even without wind many times and when you call maintenance you get the usual ignoramus- "I don't know, I just work here" Woke up one morning and decided to run before work only to get back and find there was no longer any running hot water. I called management and got the same butt head response and something about "...my maintenance boys are working on it". Needless to say I was late to work that morning because I absolutely had to shower and I wound up boiling water on my stove. It feels like living in China over here and honestly, it probably could be because 85% of the tenants are immigrants doing short term work study things. Like nobody speaks English as a native language. No wonder right because only people who are from third world countries could stomach conditions like this. They can't get average Americans to move here. the buildings and facilities are so old, everything falls apart. ā€¦Ā See More>
      Review Author Icon


      Resident ā€¢ 2009


      Renter Beware!!

      Before you decide to move in to Brompton Court you should consider the consequences of moving out of this place. I lived at Brompton Court for almost a year and had no MAJOR complaints until now. It's a pity that the apartments are so nice, grounds well kept and quiet, but the management is deceitful and coniving and are out to get your money. They are a thriving business and they make thier money off of tenants who move out!! My husband and I recently purchased a home and did not close until 30 days before our lease was up. We payed our final rent payment and submitted a statement to the apartment manager stating that we would be moving out in 30 days upon completion of the terms of our lease. We paid rent every month ON TIME and fulfilled the term (12 months) of our lease. The apartment manager called be after receiving her last $1385 rent payment and our statement that we were moving out. She stated that we owed the apartments an ADDITIONAL MONTH OF RENT BEYOND OUR 12 MONTH LEASE!!!! That's almost $1400! FOR AN APARTMENT THAT WE PLANā€¦Ā See More>
        Review Author Icon


        Resident ā€¢ 2006 - 2009


        Problems with Management

        I have been living in the apartment complex for 2 years. My rent has increased more than $150 per month since I first moved into the complex, and I've had numerous maintenance issues. The biggest problem I've had was a pipe that burst above my kitchen. It took a good 2 weeks for the workers to clean the mess. The pipes are old and do burst frequently. One also burst above the hallway just outside my apartment. My A/C has not worked (apparently has a freon leak) on more than 10 occasions. The dishwasher has also needed fixing more than once. The electricity goes out quite frequently, and it is oftentimes due to the wiring inside the complex. This past summer the management didn't fix the problem for so long that I had to dump everything in the refrigerator. Because of pipes bursting so frequently, the water is often shut off as well to repair the pipes. There was one time that management had to open a vacant apartment because nobody in a couple of buildings had plumbing for days. I really like a few people in the office, butā€¦Ā See More>
          Review Author Icon


          Resident ā€¢ 2001 - 2008


          Horrible management and poor maintenance

          The only good thing about this apartment complex is the location. Since Rockwell management took care of the complex is getting worse and worse. The maintenance is very poor, they take forever to repair apartment problems, and the staff is not friendly. Since Ike affected Houston,the gate has been broken, thus, robbers can easily enter the property. Since then, there have been many robberies and I feel unsafe. I have two kids and cannot walk outside like we were used to do during the evenings. The management has not done anything to repair the gate yet. What are they waiting for? Thanks Rockwell management for making this place a bad place to live!!

            Review Author Icon


            Resident ā€¢ 2009


            Time goes and we are here

            After 4 months We live in the Brompton Court for 4 months. So far it's been perfect. All appliances are in good condition and good quality. Inside plan of apartments are nice, cozy and big. windows - are regular size (in our previous apartment they've been prison-size). Big bathroom also makes me happy every day, with big (or normal,if you want) closet and cabinet. We stayed the Hurricane at home, and saw everything after. I was surprised by the overall speed of fixing stuff. And, by the way, they changed carpets. We live on the first floor and didn't get flooded. So, far, I haven't seen any bugs. But just in case, they provide pest control. I can say, that we know our monthly rent, also from third month we started getting water bills. So, there shouldn't be any problems with that. After one year I can just approve all I said. Things that makes me happy here everyday is big apartment, absence of bugs (it's just great), maintenance comes in a couple of hours to change kitchen light, neighbors clean after their dogs(at least every evening). Our lease didn't go up this year. Sometimes, when I seeā€¦Ā See More>
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              Resident ā€¢ 2008


              Got out while the going was good

              I used to live here under the old management, but I saw the writing on the wall and got out of Dodge prior to the coming of the new management team. I still keep in contact with neighbors from Brompton Court--live at another complex just down the street and I am saddened to hear that while they still have some of the same problems that caused me to move i.e. power and water outages--the current management is unsympathetic to say the least and in most cases downright rude. At that time, they also raised my rent by more than $100 and with no corresponding increase in amenities like security or resident functions, I decided to move. The neighborhood is nice, close to the Medical Center and a lot of great urban locations, but the what you get for the money leaves a lot to be desired. Having kids, I am concerned about safety and once even stumbled upon a car burglary in progress early one morning in Brompton Court as well as the occassional sewer rat (literally not figuratively). I would not recommend Brompton Court to any one who does not like living on the edge.

                Review Author Icon


                Resident ā€¢ 2005 - 2008


                Nice place to live

                I've lived here since 2003 in 2 different apartments. I've yet to find other apartments with this much space for the price. My only complaint is with the maintenance since it's been taken over by Rockwell. Archstone's 24-hour guarantee clearly no longer exists.

                  Review Author Icon


                  Resident ā€¢ 2006 - 2008


                  Recommend with advice

                  Pros: Lovely area, close to Rice Village, beautiful on the outside. Friendly maintenance and office staff. Always plenty of parking. The complex is typically very quiet and walls are nice and thick. The building is in good shape considering its age (no shifting, etc.) I never thought twice about walking by myself up to the village or Vanderbilt Square. The complex, considering we are talking Houston, is extremely safe. There have been a few instances of car break-ins, and management notified us when such events occurred. Cons: Construction on two major roads near it. Sometimes longest part of the commute is down Kirby (to HW 59). Carpets in unrenovated units are cleaned, but once a renter stains it and attempts to clean it themselves, the area will always collect more dirt than the rest of the carpet (something about the fibers breaking down). Stains will slowly appear. Be careful to notify management in writing so that you are not charged for the stains. There are also problems with air conditioning units. If yours continues to go out, don't settle for the "we added freon" line. We continued like thisā€¦Ā See More>
                    Review Author Icon


                    Resident ā€¢ 1999 - 2008


                    Brompton Court

                    I think Brompton Court is a really nice place, however since Ike the gates were knocked over by all the tree's that fell I counted 48 trees uprooted. The management were out the next day clearing debris and trying to resolve issue's that were hurricane related. I give a 93 out of 100 for the efforts from mangement and maintenance. Since then though no progress has happened. I do understand that sometimes insurance moves slowly but it is time to repair gates, wooden fences and carports. Thank you for all that you did.

                      Review Author Icon


                      Resident ā€¢ 2005 - 2008


                      Dishonest management

                      After moving out of the apartment the new management kept sending me water bills and other charges. The day I was moving they said everything was fine, after that they started sending me ridiculous bills. This is the most unprofessional apartment manageemnt I've ever come across.

                        Review Author Icon


                        Resident ā€¢ 2008


                        Not Good

                        There were some apartment break-ins and car thefts. It is not very safe. Management didn't do much about these.

                          Review Author Icon


                          Resident ā€¢ 2008


                          Good value for the money

                          When we found out that we were moving to Houston, we only had three months to make plans. We found Brompton Court through a relocation service and after a number of e-mails and phone calls, we signed a lease for a place sight unseen. Overall, we've been quite pleased. We live in a newly-renovated apartment, and the paint & carpet were fresh when we moved into it. Unfortunately, some of the paint on the windows and trim is so cheap that it seems to practically flake off when something rubs up against it. In the last year, a number of major renovations have been taking place, including a garage overhaul and major water pipe replacement. Not having parking and water for a period of time is annoying, yes, but management have been great at letting residents know ahead of time. There have been a few car break-ins on the property (nothing new for any apartment complex in the loop), but Kit and the rest of the staff are very proactive about alerting residents so that they can take the proper precautions. One thing that's weird here is that there is not much of a sense of community among the residents. Inā€¦Ā See More>
                            Review Author Icon


                            Resident ā€¢ 2006 - 2008


                            Good location, safe and quiet.

                            I have lived at Brompton Court apartments for 2 years now. I have enjoyed my apartment and have not had any trouble with break-ins or vandalism. The staff is relatively nice and the maintenence staff does a good job of being prompt. I would recommend this complex to anyone who is looking for a convenient place to live near the medical center at an affordable rate.

                              Review Author Icon


                              Resident ā€¢ 2005 - 2008


                              We have loved it here!

                              We have been here three years and have enjoyed living here. When we moved here, we knew no one and knew nothing about Houston. The management was very kind and even gave us recommendations about which restaurants to go to, where the recycling center is, and which dog park was the best, etc. When the management changed there were some frustrating moments, especially with maintenance. However, The new manager, Kit, is wonderful and has worked very hard to fix problems. Eric is great, too! It is a pretty big complex and he even remembers our dog's name! The apartment is extremely well located and in a safe neighborhood. The price is slightly higher than we wanted, but is lower than many of the other neighboring complexes. Also, we have an elevators. I have a new baby, and live on an upper floor and it has been pricless! Not to mention, there is a convenience store in the complex! I had never seen that before and we love it! No place is perfect and I do not claim this complex is. Some of the negative reviews are a bit harsh, though. We have felt very comfortableā€¦Ā See More>
                                Review Author Icon


                                Resident ā€¢ 2008


                                It has it's pros and Cons

                                I am about to move out due to a work relocation. However I would not renew my lease. Pros: Quiet Near Rice Village, highways 1 bedrooms are pretty spacious Staff relatively friendly Cons: Nobody picks up their pets waste. It is literally everywhere! Grass, sidewalks, etc. They have a station with bags for pet waste, but it has been empty for as long as I can remember! And their is no penalty for those who let their pets go wherever they want. The parking this past summer was a nightmare. They closed each of the garages down one by one for at least a month each, for construction or whatever. So if you even got a parking spot, it was a mile away from your apartment, not fun in the middle of July in Houston! Water is constantly turned off! Since January it has been shut off at least 6 times. Last year when I renewed my lease rent went up at least $100.

                                  Review Author Icon


                                  Resident ā€¢ 1997 - 2008


                                  I Love It Here! Excellent Customer Service!!!

                                  I have lived at Brompton Court Apartments since I moved to Houston approximately 12 years ago. The customer service has been excellent, prompt; they have always shown me that I matter as a resident. Kit, Eric, Carlos, Yvonne, Jennifer and Kena in the leasing office actively demonstrate how much me and my family matter each time we call/visit with questions, concerns, or just to say "hello". I am very happy with this apartment community.

                                    Review Author Icon


                                    Resident ā€¢ 2006 - 2008



                                    Overall, I'ved enjoyed living here, but more for the location and pretty trees than anything else. My apartment flooded last fall, and they didn't replace the carpet - they put large very loud fans to dry it out that ran for 3 days straight. I had to pay the extra electrice for running the fans, not to mention it was near impossible to sleep. Secondly, deluges of rain drop onto my patio every time it rains, making it impossible to not get soaked feet when I leave. Third, the water has been cut off for 2 whole days days while pipes were being repaired. This has happened 2 times. The wiring went out in half my apt and it took them 4 days to come and see about it. The guy checked a couple of things and told me he'd have to come back with equipment. 2 days later he came back, and still could not fix it or locate the problem. 2 days after that they brought in someone to fix it, who left 5 holes in the walls. 3 days after that I reminded them to fix the holes and they only fixed 3 of them. Toā€¦Ā See More>
                                      Review Author Icon


                                      Resident ā€¢ 2007


                                      Love the Community

                                      Brompton Court is a great community. Very quiet and well maintained. I love the layout of my apartment. It has a wonderful home feeling. Maintenance is always on top of things and management is very friendly and helpful. I recommend this community highly!

                                        Review Author Icon


                                        Resident ā€¢ 2006 - 2007


                                        Love It

                                        I have a large one bedroom and have lived here 1 1\2 years. I have been pleased with the quick response to repairs large and small. I never here much noise if any. I do hate the small kitchen, but I only had 3 choices since I found this complex at the last minute. I know there are other apartments in this complex with a better kitchens. They raised my rent $25 so it will be interesting to see what happens next year. I am in one of the renovated apts, and came in on a good deal.

                                          Review Author Icon


                                          Resident ā€¢ 2006 - 2007


                                          Awesome & very prompt maintanance, staff & management

                                          I have lived here for a yr and 3 months. Overall my experience has been wonderful - I moved in while they had a special last yr on a 12-month lease and I got more value for my money! It is an older community but i must say, it is manitained pretty well - so if you don't mind that, you shouldnt have much trouble. I know others mention car break ins but this is houston people! The simple solution to that is not to leave anything in your car and you're solid. I loved my floor plan and maintanance, i must say is one of the best i have seen anywhere - everytime ive had a problem, they are SO PROMPT! Totally amazing! I lived on the ground floor and yes, did have some bug problems, but that's taken care of with their weekly pest control service that you can sign up for. So why am i moving, because I want a bigger place with my own laundry machines - the complex does have washer and driers in some units, sadly though, they are so popular that they have nothing for me as my lease expires:(

                                            Review Author Icon


                                            Resident ā€¢ 2007


                                            Decent for the price. Convenient to Med Cntr.

                                            Good price for the space. Quiet neighbors. Have multiple pools so never crowded. Will say that unit is a bit dated. Not what the model looks like. They admit to this discrepancy from the get-go though saying that their remodeling schedule is a bit arbitrary. The shuttle to the med center is what sold us as we're trying to make it on one car. That and the price. Clean and a courteous staff. Give discounts to med center employees. Their access gate seems to either have the exit or entrance permanently open (even though they're supposed to be key-card/motion activated) and our bike (which was locked to the structure) was stolen as were some car break-ins reported recently in the parking garages on the grounds.

                                              Review Author Icon


                                              Resident ā€¢ 2006 - 2007


                                              17 Break-ins in one night

                                              Maintenance is horrible. Exit door wasn't working for a long time and management woke up after 17 break-ins on 8/5 and a car was jacked at gunpoint from a lady couple of months ago. Be very careful before you decide to move here.

                                                Review Author Icon


                                                Resident ā€¢ 2007


                                                A Fairer Statement

                                                Although my experience was not the best, I should make some corrections to my previous statements. First of all, I really cannot decide whether or not to recommend this complex, but I will heir on the positive side and say yes. The staff is very friendly. Especially the gentleman who helped me lease my apartment. The place is big and it has lots of nature around it. But, my problems arose with roaches. A problem that I cannot endure for many reasons. It took a little longer than I wanted to rectify the issue (Not that the management wasn't doing its job) I just think the company they hired...and now fired to exterminate was not good. Anyway, they were kind enough to allow me to leave and they will probably resolve the issue better with a new extermination company. Hey...everyone has roaches right? Be sure to get to the problem before it gets more difficult to treat. Overall, good everything for me...Except roaches. I really don't believe the management is neglectful like the others who have made statements before me.

                                                  Review Author Icon


                                                  Resident ā€¢ 2005 - 2007


                                                  Lousy apartments; high rent; avoid at all costs

                                                  I lived here for 3 years and had nothing but trouble. The apartments are old and the maintenance takes forever to fix problems. The management are uncooperative and are just about in making money. They are more interested in bringing in new tenants than keeping the ones they have happy. Rather go across the street to Berkshires on Brompton...lower rent, new interiors and free laundry facilities !! Avoid Brompton Court at all Costs !! Even after moving out, I had to fight to get my deposit back, my apartment was left immaculate... even had the carpets professionally cleaned. Was told my check was on the way... 4 months later and several phone calls I am still waiting !! Save yourselves loads of headaches and trouble and don't move here !!

                                                    Floor Plans & Pricing



                                                    Studio, 1 Bath | 607 sq. ft.

                                                    $880 - $1,425

                                                    1 Available Unit

                                                    See Floor Plan Details


                                                    Studio, 1 Bath | 607 sq. ft.

                                                    $905 - $980

                                                    See Floor Plan Details

                                                    1 Bedroom


                                                    1 Bed, 1 Bath | 709 sq. ft.

                                                    $905 - $1,645

                                                    15 Available Units

                                                    See Floor Plan Details


                                                    1 Bed, 1 Bath | 971 sq. ft.

                                                    $905 - $1,615

                                                    11 Available Units

                                                    See Floor Plan Details


                                                    1 Bed, 1 Bath | 846 sq. ft.

                                                    $905 - $1,565

                                                    10 Available Units

                                                    See Floor Plan Details


                                                    1 Bed, 1 Bath | 631 sq. ft.

                                                    $895 - $1,555

                                                    6 Available Units

                                                    See Floor Plan Details


                                                    1 Bed, 1 Bath | 779 sq. ft.

                                                    $905 - $1,615

                                                    6 Available Units

                                                    See Floor Plan Details


                                                    1 Bed, 1 Bath | 709 sq. ft.

                                                    $895 - $1,470

                                                    4 Available Units

                                                    See Floor Plan Details


                                                    1 Bed, 1 Bath | 971 sq. ft.

                                                    $895 - $1,480

                                                    3 Available Units

                                                    See Floor Plan Details


                                                    1 Bed, 1 Bath | 779 sq. ft.

                                                    $895 - $1,480

                                                    2 Available Units

                                                    See Floor Plan Details


                                                    1 Bed, 1 Bath | 846 sq. ft.

                                                    $895 - $1,480

                                                    2 Available Units

                                                    See Floor Plan Details

                                                    1.5x1 +Den

                                                    1 Bed, 1 Bath | 1,302 sq. ft.

                                                    $1,290 - $1,865

                                                    2 Available Units

                                                    See Floor Plan Details


                                                    1 Bed, 1 Bath | 631 sq. ft.

                                                    $860 - $1,405

                                                    1 Available Unit

                                                    See Floor Plan Details

                                                    1.5x1 +Den

                                                    1 Bed, 1 Bath | 1,108 sq. ft.

                                                    $1,110 - $1,655

                                                    1 Available Unit

                                                    See Floor Plan Details

                                                    1.5x1 +Den

                                                    1 Bed, 1 Bath | 1,302 sq. ft.

                                                    $1,465 - $2,075

                                                    1 Available Unit

                                                    See Floor Plan Details

                                                    1.5x1 +Den

                                                    1 Bed, 1 Bath | 1,108 sq. ft.

                                                    $1,185 - $1,285

                                                    See Floor Plan Details

                                                    2 Bedrooms


                                                    2 Beds, 2 Baths | 1,318 sq. ft.

                                                    $1,525 - $2,500

                                                    4 Available Units

                                                    See Floor Plan Details


                                                    2 Beds, 2 Baths | 1,545 sq. ft.

                                                    $1,695 - $2,700

                                                    4 Available Units

                                                    See Floor Plan Details


                                                    2 Beds, 2 Baths | 1,114 sq. ft.

                                                    $1,465 - $2,360

                                                    3 Available Units

                                                    See Floor Plan Details


                                                    2 Beds, 2 Baths | 1,545 sq. ft.

                                                    $1,630 - $2,595

                                                    3 Available Units

                                                    See Floor Plan Details


                                                    2 Beds, 2 Baths | 1,032 sq. ft.

                                                    $1,375 - $2,380

                                                    2 Available Units

                                                    See Floor Plan Details


                                                    2 Beds, 2 Baths | 1,114 sq. ft.

                                                    $1,385 - $2,360

                                                    2 Available Units

                                                    See Floor Plan Details


                                                    2 Beds, 2 Baths | 1,032 sq. ft.

                                                    $1,350 - $2,335

                                                    1 Available Unit

                                                    See Floor Plan Details


                                                    2 Beds, 2 Baths | 1,318 sq. ft.

                                                    $1,445 - $1,495

                                                    See Floor Plan Details

                                                    3 Bedrooms


                                                    3 Beds, 2 Baths | 2,045 sq. ft.

                                                    $2,460 - $3,340

                                                    1 Available Unit

                                                    See Floor Plan Details


                                                    3 Beds, 2 Baths | 2,045 sq. ft.


                                                    See Floor Plan Details

                                                    Disclaimer: Special, prices and availabilities subject to change.

                                                    epIQ Ratings

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                                                    The epIQ Index gives you an accurate and authentic understanding of what life at a community is like prior to signing a lease, using a familiar letter grade & report card format.

                                                    epIQ Report Card

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                                                    Survey Ratings

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                                                    SatisFactsā„¢ Move-In Survey

                                                    SatisFactsā„¢ Maintenance Survey

                                                    SatisFactsā„¢ Renewal Survey

                                                    Review Count


                                                    Number of reviews in the past 365 days


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                                                    Managerā€™s Review Reply Time


                                                    Average time to respond to reviews

                                                    28.5 days

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                                                    Features & Amenities

                                                    • Laundry On-Site
                                                    • Dogs Allowed
                                                      Fee: $400. Rent: $20. Restrictions: Breed Restrictions May Apply. . Pet Limit: 2
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                                                    • Cats Allowed
                                                      Fee: $400. Rent: $20. Restrictions: Breed Restrictions May Apply. . Pet Limit: 2
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                                                    • Bilingual
                                                    • Business Center
                                                    • Clubhouse
                                                    • Conference Room
                                                    • Fitness Center
                                                    • Gated Access
                                                    • On-Site Maintenance
                                                    • On-Site Management
                                                    • Package Receiving Service
                                                    • Pool
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                                                    With its central location in the Medical District, the Weston Medical Center Apartments offer the best of both worlds: a serene residential enclave in a bustling urban environment. Residents can enjoy the convenience of nearby shopping, dining, and entertainment options, while also relishing in the tranquility of a well-maintained community. This exceptional location ensures that residents can make the most of all that Houston has to offer while enjoying the comfort of a well-located, modern apartment community.
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                                                    Office Hours

                                                    • Sunday: Closed
                                                    • Monday - Friday: 10:00 AM - 06:00 PM
                                                    • Saturday: 10:00 AM - 05:00 PM
                                                    This community is managed by

                                                    S2 Residential


                                                    Questions & Answers (0)

                                                    Frequently Asked

                                                    How is Weston Rated?
                                                    Based on 593 number of votes by renters, Weston is currently rated 3.2 out of 5 stars.
                                                    How satisfied are residents with the upkeep and overall appearance of the grounds at Weston?
                                                    Weston is rated 1.6/5 stars in our renters grounds survey, which is considered poor. The grounds are in a state of disrepair and need immediate attention.
                                                    How effective was the maintenance team when resolving your problem?
                                                    Weston is rated 2.5/5 stars in our renters maintenance survey, which is considered poor. The maintenance team is unresponsive and ineffective in addressing issues.
                                                    What are noise levels like at Weston?
                                                    Weston is rated 3.3/5 stars in our renters noise survey, which is considered below average. The noise level is often disruptive and affects quality of life.
                                                    How safe is Weston?
                                                    Weston is rated 1.7/5 stars in our renters safety survey, which is considered poor. The complex is very unsafe and poses serious risks to residents.
                                                    How satisfied are residents with the neighborhood?
                                                    Weston is rated 3.7/5 stars in our renters neighborhood survey, which is considered average. The complex is located in a neighborhood with some safety or desirability concerns, with limited access to local attractions and services.
                                                    How satisfied are residents with the staff at Weston?
                                                    Weston is rated 2.2/5 stars in our renters staff survey, which is considered poor. The staff is unresponsive and unhelpful, making it difficult to live in the complex.
                                                    How often does management engage with reviews?
                                                    Managers have responded to 80% of their community reviews in the past year.
                                                    How quickly does management engage with reviews?
                                                    Managers have replied within 28.5 days to their community reviews in the past year.
                                                    Who manages Weston?
                                                    S2 Residential
                                                    What is the pet policy at Weston?
                                                    Dogs Allowed
                                                    Fee: $400
                                                    Rent: $20
                                                    Restrictions: Breed Restrictions May Apply.
                                                    Pet Limit: 2
                                                    Cats Allowed
                                                    Fee: $400
                                                    Rent: $20
                                                    Restrictions: Breed Restrictions May Apply.
                                                    Pet Limit: 2
                                                    What types of floor plans are available?
                                                    1 Bed, 1 Bath
                                                    2 Beds, 2 Baths
                                                    3 Beds, 2 Baths
                                                    Studio, 1 Bath

                                                    Contact Property

                                                    (888) 671-9230

                                                    October 2024





                                                    Weston is a 607 - 2,045 sq. ft. apartment in Houston in zip code 77025. This community has a 1 - 3 Beds, 1 - 2 Baths, and is for rent for $860 - $3,340. Nearby cities include Bellaire, Stafford, Galena Park, Sugar Land, Missouri City, Pearland, South Houston, Fresno, Manvel, Pasadena, Arcola, Cypress, and Humble.

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